Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day From Hell!!

I don't know why but I've just been in one of those moods today... I woke up feeling all groggy from the sleeping medicine that I took last night to make me sleep... My nephew Aidan and "niece" Ali stayed with us for the last two days and they have been fighting non-stop the whole time lol driving me and my mom insane... Then I had a doctors appointment to checkup from the D&C they did two weeks ago... I was late (go figure)... They put me in the same room that they had me in when they gave me the results from the ultrasound saying I was going to lose the baby... I told my doctor how I've been feeling lately... I don't want to be around others and I stay locked up in my bedroom all by myself... The only person I want to have contact with is Michael... Well he decided to try me on antidepressants... Zoloft to be exact... The last time I was on antidepressants they made me more emotional than I was before I even started taking them... My psychiatrist in Washington told me that I didn't need medications because there was no chemical imbalance... I don't know but I guess I'm going to give it another go... I'm just ready to move with Michael because I miss him so much and it would've been really nice to have him there today... I'm lonely and I just want someone to hold me :(... I guess it won't be that hard to wait like two months but it still sucks... I'm thinking that the doctors visit is what spiraled my day into hell... Probably because they put me in that room and it brought back a lot of pain... After we left the doctors office we brought Aidan home to my sister and then came home ourselves... My back was killing me from all the riding we had to do... Apparently Michael hasn't had a good day either because when I got home and called him he had a lot to tell... I felt bad because I started an argument with him that never should have been started to begin with... I was being selfish :(... We made up of course and it didn't last long but I still feel bad for taking my bad day out on him because it was obvious he was having a bad day as well... I had a nice long cry and then tried to fix things with him... It wouldn't have been so bad if we could have just been there for each and not so far apart but all in due time... I'm just glad he didn't run away screaming like everyone else does when I have a bad day and take it out on them... My mom has even had to deal with my moodiness today... I've been a little too snappy for my own good... So once again I'm just going to stay shut up in my room lol... On top of everything that happened to me today, Michael's computer crashed so now I have to wait until it's fixed to Skype with him :( It's very very sad :( Things will get better though... It's just a bad day... Hopefully tomorrow will be much better <3 I'm sure it will be... But TODAY HAS DEFINITELY BEEN A DAY FROM HELL!!! LOL 

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